After Assisi, the Masonic lodges were jubilant:
Our interconfessionalism earned us the excommunication issued by Clement XI in 1738. However, the Church was certainly in error if it is true that, October 27, 1986, the present Pontiff united at Assisi men of all religious confessions to pray together for peace.
What are we to conclude as to the sanctity of the late Pope? This is the churchman who sang the glory of man rather than “Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.” This is the Assisi leader whom the lodges vindicate as one of them.
No doubt, Blessed Karol Wojtyla will find a place in his encompassing ecumenical martyrologium open to new martyrs and saints. He will be glorified as a hero together with those whose praises he sang, like Luther, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King. Is he your man? Well and good for you! As for me—as the French say—he is no saint of my parish!
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